Christmas Gift Guide 2017.

Christmas Gift Guide, Uncategorized

Each year, i am finding it harder and harder to think of good gifts for people and it really starts to stress me out! So i took to Twitter and found some perfect gifts you could give your children/family/friends and partners.

Newborn to 1 year.

Cubbies: For the new baby!thumbnail_Dragon-Pink For the keepsakes.


2 years old to 4 years old.

Amazon. For the little genie!


Amazon. For the scooby do fans!


I Am Who I Am. For your tiny book worm.


5 years to 10 years.

The Amazing Craft Company. For the little artist. (3-8 years)

11 years to 13 years.

I was asked, by Dr Shara Choen if i could feature a care package on my gift guide, Now i know this can be such a sensitive subject. If there is anyone you know and love who if suffering with Cancer, please take a look at this page. These care packages are worth every penny and if you don’t know anyone; you could always donate. I have put this care package in the pre-teens age category but if you click the link, there is packages for everyone, for any stage and diagnosis if you wish to explore.

kidsxmas1 For the adventurous ones.

bv6010 retro hopper

Galleoneers: for the budding chief!


Wonderbly. For the little book worms in progress!


Teens 13 years to 19 years.

Cat Protection Programme. For the teens who love cats and hot drinks!


Parents (mum & step-mums).

Here, There, Everywear. For the parent who loves to travel.

For 20% off, type the promo code EVERYWEAR.


Isonia Jewellery! For the mum who likes jewellery.


Parents( Dad and Step-Dad).

Napio Neck and Back Massager. For the men who need to relax after work!


Itsybitsyimprints For the men who accessorise.


Findmeagift: For the whisky lovers!


Do you have any perfect gifts? Please let me know in the comments below.

Until next time,

Review (1)

29 thoughts on “Christmas Gift Guide 2017.

  1. The massage thing looks so good! I’d love to get one myself! haha I’ve been sat here all day studying so I’d love a massage right about now! haha

    Liked by 1 person

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